KISS ESC command line interface

The CLI Settings are only needed if you want to setup special things like using two ESC's on one Sbus or S-Port. For normal Copter usage it is not needed.

You will need a USB-UART adapter (like FTDI or CP2102) to use the CLI.

Connect the USB-UART like this:









Please look up the individual ESC wiring information to get info on the location of the RX and TX solder pads.

Its important that the USB-UART is powered at the same moment, or before the ESC gets power. Else the ESC disables the UART for safety reasons.

On the PC side, use a serial monitor like PuTTY or Arduino serial monitor. Choose the USB-UARTs COM-PORT and select 115200 baud. In Arduino serial monitor choose also active linewarp.

If you enter now „help“ it should - depending on the FW version and implemented functions - reply:

>TLM: print telemetrie
>REST: restore defaults
>INFO: system information
>CLxx: set current limit to xx=01...40[A]
>Cxxx: set current calibration to xxx=001...200[%]
>MMxx: set Motor Magnet count. xx=02...98
>SBx: set FRsky Sbus Chan. x=0...7
>SPxx: set FRsky S-Port ID xx=00...27
>SRx: set MPX SRXL Chan. x=0...7
>MSxx: set MPX Sensorbus offset xx=00...11
>SDx: set GR SumD Chan. x=0...7
>BQIT: enable or disable quiet mode
>3DM: enable or disable 3D mode
>CSD: Inverted or normal rotation direction
>CWxx: set consumption warning channel(for Gr. and MPX). chan. val. x10... so 1000=0mah, 1050=500mah and 2000=10000mah. xx = chan 00-12, 20=disabled
>FTx: force telemetry with PWM input, x=0...3, 0=off, 1=HOTT, 2=S-Port, 3=Sensorbus
>ULKV: enable or disable ultra low KV motor filter
>SCxx: set RX aux channel to play Sounds. xx=00-12, 20=disabled. 1500=mid, 
>1750 play sound, <1250 next sound

Last updated